Friday, October 26, 2007

News Story Ideas


2) Section of newspaper story would appear (no Op-Ed):

3) What are the most dominant news elements in the story? Explain in-depth:

_________________________ The article will directly involve the teachers at the school.

_________________________ Why? The article has to do with teachers that we know personally and care about.
Human Interest

_________________________ Why? This article will be written now, as the event is happening.

4) In a few sentences, describe what the story will be about:

This story will be about the teachers in the school and their contracts. Apperently the teachers contracts get changed every two years- and this year they have still not been set. The content of these contracts has to do with their pay, health plans, ECT. Things that are very important to their lively hood.

5) Specifically, who will you interview or contact? Why those people?

_________________________ Why? She is the presedent of the school board
Ms. Russel
_________________________ Why? They are active participents moving to get teachers contracts.
Senior Diaz/ Mr. Grenier
_________________________ Why? He would round out the article with his opinion on what is happening.
The Principal

6) What information do you need to gather before you begin interviews?

I need to research the average time the teachers recieve their contracts, and how that compares to different schools in different parts of the country.

7) What questions do you definitely need answered in your interviews? Why?
~How does this wait effects the lives of the teachers?
~ What types of protests are the teachers trying?
~ What teachers are directly involved?

8) What photo opportunities are available to go alongside this story (give names, places, times, etc.)?

A picture of Ms. Russel with her "Save the Teachers button" - can be taken during my lunch period.
A picture of Senior Diez's sign saying "Teacher working without contract" that is tacked to his podium - can be taken before my first hour.

9) Who should a photographer contact to set up photographs?

10) What concerns or problems do you foresee in getting this story together?

I may have troubles finding the research information before beginning to write the article- there is a lot that i am looking for to make the article interesting enough.

11) Other information?

1) Slug:

2) Section of newspaper story would appear (no Op-Ed):


3) What are the most dominant news elements in the story? Explain in-depth:

_________________________ Why?
News element#1

_________________________ Why?
News element#2

_________________________ Why?
News element#3

4) In a few sentences, describe what the story will be about:

5) Specifically, who will you interview or contact? Why those people?

_________________________ Why?

_________________________ Why?

_________________________ Why?

6) What information do you need to gather before you begin interviews?

7) What questions do you definitely need answered in your interviews? Why?

8) What photo opportunities are available to go alongside this story (give names, places, times, etc.)?

9) Who should a photographer contact to set up photographs?

10) What concerns or problems do you foresee in getting this story together?

11) Other information?

A curious reporter

Curiosity is by far the most needed quality in a journalist. It is the core passion that drives a person to become a journalist - and is the constant factor that makes the job enjoyable. To be a journalist you have to question everything, crave knowledge, and love to delve into the unknown. Curiosity is the characteristic of a journalist that prods him to find the best stories and puzzle out the questions that have been so far un-answered. With out curiosity to learn about people, societies, events, ECT. - and the drive to inform others - the concept of journalism would never have been created.